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Who We Are

What We Do

Who We Are What We Do

Our vision is to expand, ensure, and empower reproductive and sexual healthcare for all. We're proud to lead The Right Time initiative and the federal Title X family planning program in Missouri.

Woman looking right, holding a closed laptop, standing in an open and light-filled brick building.

A private nonprofit organization, Missouri Family Health Council, Inc. (MFHC) champions access for every individual to culturally sensitive, quality, sexual and reproductive health education and services.

Guiding Principles

MFHC is guided by the following principles in prioritizing policies, programs, and endeavors:

  • All people deserve quality, affordable healthcare, including accessible reproductive and sexual health services.
  • Everyone should have the opportunity to pursue the future they want, including if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant.
  • MFHC recognizes the historical roots of reproductive oppression and abuses, specifically for people of color, and we work to eliminate racial biases and inequity through challenging systematic oppression and shifting the dynamic of power.
  • Our work is concentrated on removing barriers to healthcare while empowering individuals to make decisions that are right for them; while a reduction in abortions or unintended pregnancies is a byproduct of our work, it should not be the sole focus.
  • New policies or programs implemented by the organization should lead to real, concrete improvement in people’s lives.
  • Those impacted by MFHC’s work should have an opportunity for meaningful input.
  • We are motivated and committed to learn, challenge, and improve in a continually changing environment.

Our Values

  • EquityMFHC commits to equitable treatment and elimination of biases and discrimination in all its forms at all organizational levels and throughout all programs.

  • AutonomyMFHC believes every individual should be able to make healthcare decisions that are right for them, with dignity and without interference from anyone.

  • CompassionMFHC shows empathy through our work and interactions while respecting individuals’ lived experiences.

  • CollaborationMFHC fosters a collaborative environment, both internally and externally, and develops relationships which are all vital for improving our communities and strengthening the healthcare safety net.

  • InspirationMFHC works to galvanize individuals to use their unique voices and power to inform our work.

  • DiversityMFHC respects and values diverse voices, and works to create an environment that is inclusive of all.


We are proud to lead The Right Time initiative, which seeks to empower every Missourian to take control of their own health by improving information about, and reducing barriers to, contraceptive services. The initiative provides free or low-cost birth control to all who need it, while addressing the persistent health disparities in unintended pregnancy and among marginalized populations. The Right Time is led by MFHC and is an initiative of Missouri Foundation for Health.

Additionally, MFHC is the sole Title X (ten) grantee for the state, receiving funds that are re-granted to health centers throughout Missouri to support the delivery of quality sexual and reproductive health services.

In 2022, MFHC's network served 38,505 adults and teens with high-quality, culturally responsive, affordable sexual and reproductive healthcare services.

Policy & Advocacy

MFHC’s policy and advocacy program seeks to increase health equity and access to quality healthcare by reducing the number of uninsured individuals, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for all Missourians; and, advocating for policies that improve sustainability for safety net health centers.


MFHC recognizes the importance of partnership and alliance in healthcare, which is why our Healthy Families Priorities Coalition works collectively to advance a progressive policy agenda. We also participate in several coalitions to collaborate with organizations and state agencies on issues like streamlining and improving MO HealthNet (Medicaid) and its Women’s Health Services Program, as well as increasing access to sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening and treatment.


MFHC’s funders and partners are committed to our mission and share our vision of expanding, ensuring, and empowering reproductive and sexual healthcare for all. We are granted federal Title X funds through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs; The Right Time is led by MFHC and is an initiative of Missouri Foundation for Health; and we receive funding for our policy and advocacy work through the Health Forward Foundation. We are continually seeking funding opportunities to support our network by leveraging its experience and expertise to increase healthcare access.

Our Impact

Client data from January 1, 2024 through February 29, 2024; Free EC data from June 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024

  • Total Clients Served


  • Total Client Visits


  • Free EC kits distributed
