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Abortion is Still Legal in All 50 States – Including Missouri – Today.

We know we cannot meet our mission or demonstrate our values without championing the full range of reproductive health education and services, including abortion care – especially in this moment. Regardless of whether it was a draft opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court showed this week what we in Missouri have long known: that fundamental rights are under unprecedented attack. It is terrifying, but not unexpected when just a year ago, the Missouri legislature attempted to ban methods of birth control in our state Medicaid program. In this moment, we are holding tight the lived experiences of many, the unwavering resilience of our providers and partners, and the compassion and power we all possess. Together, we will continue fighting systemic barriers that decrease health equity and impede access to reproductive and sexual healthcare, abortion, and safety-net services.

Our Impact

Client data from January 1, 2024 through February 29, 2024; Free EC data from June 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024

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